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- CFD Indeks
- Investasi Indeks ASX 200
Perdagangan Indeks Bursa Efek Australia Indeks Futures
Investasi Indeks ASX 200
Negara:Asia & Pasifik
Persyaratan Perdagangan CFD Indeks AU200
Opsi | Standard-Fixed & Floating | Beginner-Fixed & Floating | Demo-Fixed & Floating |
Spread Tetap dalam pips | 400* | 400* | 400* |
Spread Mengambang dalam pip | 400* | 400* | 400* |
Jarak Order dalam pips | 400 | 400 | 400 |
Tukar (Panjang/Pendek) | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 30 contract | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 30 contract | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 30 contract |
Digit | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Volume tersedia | >=3.00 contract | 0.03 – 30.00 contract | >=0.01 contract |
Ukuran kontrak | -/- | -/- | -/- |
Nilai 1 pip per 1 CONTRACT | 0.01 AUD | 0.01 AUD | 0.01 AUD |
Opsi | Standard-Fixed | Micro-Fixed | Demo-Fixed | PAMM-Fixed |
Spread Tetap dalam pips | 400* | 400* | 400* | 400* |
Jarak Order dalam pips | 400 | 400 | 400 | 800 |
Tukar (Panjang/Pendek) | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 1 lot | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 1 lot | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 1 lot | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 1 lot |
Digit | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Volume tersedia | 0.1 – 10000 lot | 0.01 – 1 lot | 0.01 – 10000 lot | 0.01 – 10000 lot |
lot | 30 contract | 30 contract | 30 contract | 30 contract |
Nilai 1 pip per 1 lot | 0.3 AUD | 0.3 AUD | 0.3 AUD | 0.3 AUD |
Opsi | Standard-Floating | Micro-Floating | Demo-Floating | PAMM-Floating |
Spread Mengambang dalam pip | 400* | 400* | 400* | 400* |
Jarak Order dalam pips | 400 | 400 | 400 | 800 |
Tukar (Panjang/Pendek) | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 1 lot | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 1 lot | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 1 lot | -48.94 / -5.29 AUD per 1 lot |
Digit | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Volume tersedia | 0.1 – 10000 lot | 0.01 – 1 lot | 0.01 – 10000 lot | 0.01 – 10000 lot |
lot | 30 contract | 30 contract | 30 contract | 30 contract |
Nilai 1 pip per 1 lot | 0.3 AUD | 0.3 AUD | 0.3 AUD | 0.3 AUD |
Jam Perdagangan ASX 200
Indeks Bursa Efek Australia trading hours are the time when investors can buy and sell Indeks Bursa Efek Australia. The Indeks Bursa Efek Australia is traded on multiple exchanges around the world. This means that investors have many different opportunities to trade Indeks Bursa Efek Australia during different trading hours. Depending on where you live, you may be able to trade Indeks Bursa Efek Australia at any time throughout the day or night. For those who want to take advantage of these opportunities, it is important to know when Indeks Bursa Efek Australia trading hours begin and end.
AU200 (S&P/ASX 200 Index) - Bursa Efek Australia
AU200 (S&P/ASX 200 Index) - Indeks utama Bursa Efek Australia dihitung berdasarkan harga saham dari 200 perusahaan terbesar, yang diperdagangkan di Bursa ini. Secara keseluruhan, saham lebih dari 2000 perusahaan diperdagangkan di Bursa Australia. Saham-saham, termasuk dalam indeks, adalah bagian terbesar dari perputaran dan juga mencerminkan keadaan keseluruhan dari Bursa Efek Australia. Di IFC Markets indeks ini disajikan sebagai instrumen sintetis berkelanjutan (tanpa kedaluwarsa).