Weekly Top Gainers/Losers: Canadian dollar and New Zealand dollar | IFCM Indonesia
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Weekly Top Gainers/Losers: Canadian dollar and New Zealand dollar


Top Gainers – The World Market

Оil quotes continued to rise over the past 7 days. Against this background, the currencies of oil-producing countries, such as the Russian ruble and the Canadian dollar, strengthened. The New Zealand dollar weakened after the announcement of negative economic indicators: ANZ Business Confidence and Electronic Retail Card Spending.

1.MBIA Inc, +31,3% – an American insurance company

2. Arconic Inc, +17,7% – an American aluminum producer

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Top Losers – The World Market

1. Xiaomi Corp. – a Chinese manufacturer of electronics and mobile devices

2. Twitter – an American social network.

market sentiment ratio long short positions

Top Gainers – Foreign Exchange Market (Forex)

1. USDTRY, EURTRY - the growth of these charts means the strengthening of the US dollar and the euro against the Turkish lira.

2. USDMXN, USDPLN - the growth of these charts means the weakening of the Mexican peso and the Polish zloty against the US dollar.

market sentiment ratio long short positions

Top Losers – Foreign Exchange Market (Forex)

1. EURCAD, EURRUB - the drop of these charts means the weakening of the euro against the Canadian dollar and the Russian ruble.

2. NZDUSD, NZDCAD - the drop of these charts means the weakening of the New Zealand dollar against the US and Canadian dollars.

market sentiment ratio long short positions

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