- Perdagangan
- Syarat perdagangan dan swap
- CFD Saham
- Beli Saham GALAXY ENT
CFD 0027 - Jual Beli Saham GALAXY ENT
Bursa Efek:HKEx
Sektor:Barang Konsumsi Diskresioner
#H-0027 - Persyaratan Perdagangan CFD Saham GALAXY ENT
Opsi | Standard-Fixed & Floating | Beginner-Fixed & Floating | Demo-Fixed & Floating |
Spread Tetap dalam pips | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Spread Mengambang dalam pip | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Jarak Order dalam pips | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Tukar dalam pips (Panjang/Pendek) | -0.64 / -0.06 | -0.64 / -0.06 | -0.64 / -0.06 |
Volume tersedia | >=1.00 stock | >=1.00 stock | >=1.00 stock |
Ukuran kontrak | 1 stock | 1 stock | 1 stock |
Ukuran lot | -/- | -/- | -/- |
Nilai 1 pip per 1 STOCK | 0.01 HKD | 0.01 HKD | 0.01 HKD |
Opsi | Standard-Fixed | Micro-Fixed | Demo-Fixed | PAMM-Fixed |
Spread Tetap dalam pips | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Jarak Order dalam pips | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Tukar dalam pips (Panjang/Pendek) | -0.64 / -0.06 | -0.64 / -0.06 | -0.64 / -0.06 | -0.64 / -0.06 |
Volume tersedia | 0.01 – 10000 lot | 0.01 – 10000 lot | 0.01 – 10000 lot | 0.01 – 10000 lot |
Ukuran kontrak | 1 stock | 1 stock | 1 stock | 1 stock |
Ukuran lot | 100 contr. | 100 contr. | 100 contr. | 100 contr. |
Nilai 1 pip per 1 lot | 1 HKD | 1 HKD | 1 HKD | 1 HKD |
Opsi | Standard-Floating | Micro-Floating | Demo-Floating | PAMM-Floating |
Spread Mengambang dalam pip | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Jarak Order dalam pips | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Tukar dalam pips (Panjang/Pendek) | -0.64 / -0.06 | -0.64 / -0.06 | -0.64 / -0.06 | -0.64 / -0.06 |
Volume tersedia | 0.01 – 10000 lot | 0.01 – 10000 lot | 0.01 – 10000 lot | 0.01 – 10000 lot |
Ukuran kontrak | 1 stock | 1 stock | 1 stock | 1 stock |
Ukuran lot | 100 contr. | 100 contr. | 100 contr. | 100 contr. |
Nilai 1 pip per 1 lot | 1 HKD | 1 HKD | 1 HKD | 1 HKD |
You can see the commission size in the Commissions table
Jam Perdagangan GALAXY ENT
GALAXY ENT trading hours are the time when investors can buy and sell shares of GALAXY ENT (#H-0027). GALAXY ENT's stock is traded on multiple exchanges around the world. This means that investors have many different opportunities to buy and sell #H-0027 shares during different trading hours. Depending on where you live, you may be able to trade #H-0027 shares at any time throughout the day or night. For those who want to take advantage of these opportunities, it is important to know when GALAXY ENT trading hours begin and end.
Tanggal Dividen
GALAXY ENT Dividend dates are specific dates on which a publicly traded company pays out dividends to its shareholders. The most common dividend dates include:
- Declaration date: The date on which the company's board of directors declares the dividend, announcing the amount of the dividend and the date of record.
- Date of record: The date on which the company determines which shareholders are eligible to receive the dividend. Shareholders who own shares on this date will receive the dividend payout.
- Ex-dividend date: The first day on which the GALAXY ENT stock trades without the dividend. Shareholders who purchase shares after this date will not receive the current dividend payout.
- Payment date: The date on which the GALAXY ENT actually pays out the dividend to eligible shareholders.
- Dividend adjustment: It is a process by which the GALAXY ENT stock price is adjusted to reflect the payment of dividends to shareholders. When a company pays out dividends to its shareholders, the price of the stock typically drops by an amount equal to the dividend payout, since the company's value is reduced by the amount of cash paid out to shareholders.
Periode | Tanggal Pengumuman | Tanggal Penyesuaian | Tanggal Pencatatan | Tanggal Pembayaran | Penyesuaian Dividen |
17.08.2023 | 25.09.2023 | 26.09.2023 | 27.10.2023 | 0.2 HKD |
Kalender Penghasilan
This handy schedule lists the dates and times when GALAXY ENT will release their financial reports, including earnings per share and revenue figures. Plus, you'll find conference call and webcast details, where the management team will discuss the results and provide future guidance. Why is this calendar so important? Because the GALAXY ENT earnings release can have a significant impact on the company's stock price and the market as a whole. Investors and traders rely on this information to gauge the GALAXY ENT financial health, growth potential, and overall performance. With this knowledge, you can plan your trades and adjust your portfolio accordingly.
Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
15.05.2024 | 14.08.2024 | 06.11.2024 | 26.02.2025 |
Company profile
GALAXY Ent adalah sebuah grup hiburan yang memiliki dan mengoperasikan hotal dan kasino di bawah perjanjian pengakuan dengan pemerintah Makau melalui anak perusahaannya, Galaxy Casino S.A. Bidang bisnis lain dari GALAXY ENT adalah produsen dan penjualan bahan bangunan di Hong Kong, Makau.
Kapan Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd Didirikan?
Perusahaan didirikan oleh Che Woo Lui pada tahun 1955 dan berkantor pusat di Hong Kong.
Bagaimana untuk Membeli Saham Galaxy Entertainment
Saham Galaxy Entertainment (0027) diperdagangkan di bursa efek Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX). Anda boleh perdagangkan saham Galaxy Entertainment, atau beli saham Galaxy Entertainmen di IFC Markets dengan membuka akun yang mudah.
Investasi di Saham Galaxy Entertainment
Untuk berinvestasi di dalam saham Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited (GEG) dan saham lainnya, investor perlu untuk meneliti dan menganalisis dan kemudian mempertimbangkan baik imbalan dan risiko sebelum membeli saham. Investor boleh berinvestasi dan perdagangkan di akun perdagangan.
Apa Simbol Saham Galaxy Entertainment?
Simbol saham Galaxy Entertainment Group di HKEX adalah "0027".
Harga Saham Galaxy Entertainment
Harga waktu sebenar membantu pedagang untuk menganalisa dan tetapkan harga efektif untuk berdagang, beli atau jual saham. Lihat harga saham Galaxy Entertainment (harga sebelumnya, ditutup, dibuka, harga tertinggi dan terendah dan mulai perdagangan bersama kami.
Dagang CFD saham dan temui kesempatan perdagangan CFD bersama IFC Markets:
- MT4 dan MT5 - 1:20 (Margin 5%)
- Di NetTradeX, leverage CFD saham bersamaan Leverage akun perdagangan (maksimum 1:20)
- Kami menyediakan lebih 400 CFD saham dari 8 bursa saham utama dunia.
- Komisi satu saham - 0.25%
- Minimal komisi (akun NetTradeX, MT4) - 8 HKD
- Minimal komisi (akun MT5) - 1 USD / 1 EUR / 100 JPY
- Kedudukan panjang (beli) CFD menerima pindaan dividen bersamaan ukuran pembayaran dividen.
- Maklumat lanjut di halaman "Tanggal pembayaran dividen bagi CFD".
- Klien Juga Melakukan Perdagangan Instrumen Ini