Saham DOLLARAMA Online | Investasi Saham DOLLARAMA | Jual Beli Saham DOLLARAMA | CFD DOLLARAMA | #CA-DOL | IFCM Indonesia
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Bursa Efek:TSX

Sektor:Barang Konsumsi Diskresioner

Coba Trading

Leverage 1:20
Margin 1000
Calculation base
Status: Tutup Perdagangan
Kutipan dalam USD
Harga Buka
Maks. Hari Ini
Min. Hari Ini

#CA-DOL - Persyaratan Perdagangan CFD Saham DOLLARAMA

Daftar interaktif

You can see the commission size in the Commissions table

Jam Perdagangan

DOLLARAMA trading hours are the time when investors can buy and sell shares of DOLLARAMA (#CA-DOL). DOLLARAMA's stock is traded on multiple exchanges around the world. This means that investors have many different opportunities to buy and sell #CA-DOL shares during different trading hours. Depending on where you live, you may be able to trade #CA-DOL shares at any time throughout the day or night. For those who want to take advantage of these opportunities, it is important to know when DOLLARAMA trading hours begin and end.

Swipe table
Hari kerjaJam perdagangan (CET)Jam trading lokal
Senin 14:30 — 21:0014:30 — 21:00
Selasa14:30 — 21:0014:30 — 21:00
Rabu14:30 — 21:0014:30 — 21:00
Kamis14:30 — 21:0014:30 — 21:00
Jumat14:30 — 21:0014:30 — 21:00

Tanggal Dividen

DOLLARAMA Dividend dates are specific dates on which a publicly traded company pays out dividends to its shareholders. The most common dividend dates include:

  • Declaration date: The date on which the company's board of directors declares the dividend, announcing the amount of the dividend and the date of record.
  • Date of record: The date on which the company determines which shareholders are eligible to receive the dividend. Shareholders who own shares on this date will receive the dividend payout.
  • Ex-dividend date: The first day on which the DOLLARAMA stock trades without the dividend. Shareholders who purchase shares after this date will not receive the current dividend payout.
  • Payment date: The date on which the DOLLARAMA actually pays out the dividend to eligible shareholders.
  • Dividend adjustment: It is a process by which the DOLLARAMA stock price is adjusted to reflect the payment of dividends to shareholders. When a company pays out dividends to its shareholders, the price of the stock typically drops by an amount equal to the dividend payout, since the company's value is reduced by the amount of cash paid out to shareholders.
Daftar interaktif

Kalender Penghasilan

This handy schedule lists the dates and times when DOLLARAMA will release their financial reports, including earnings per share and revenue figures. Plus, you'll find conference call and webcast details, where the management team will discuss the results and provide future guidance. Why is this calendar so important? Because the DOLLARAMA earnings release can have a significant impact on the company's stock price and the market as a whole. Investors and traders rely on this information to gauge the DOLLARAMA financial health, growth potential, and overall performance. With this knowledge, you can plan your trades and adjust your portfolio accordingly.

Daftar interaktif

Perubahan margin saham

InstrumenTanggal perubahan marginTanggal tamat peristiwa

Dollarama Inc.

Dollarama Inc. is a Canada-based holding company. The Company operates dollar stores. It has approximately 1,030 stores in operation in Canada. Its stores have an average area of approximately 9,942 square feet, and offer a range of consumer products, general merchandise and seasonal items, including private label and nationally branded products. Its merchandise is sold in individual or multiple units. The Company's stores are located in metropolitan areas, mid-sized cities and towns. Its general merchandise includes party supplies, office supplies, arts and craft supplies, greeting cards and stationery, giftware, household wares, kitchenware, glassware, hardware and electronics, toys and apparel. Its consumable products include household consumables, such as paper, plastics, foils and cleaning supplies, basic health and beauty care products, pet food, confectionery, drinks, snacks and other food products. Its seasonal products include Halloween and the winter holidays merchandise.

Dagang CFD saham dan temui kesempatan perdagangan CFD bersama IFC Markets:

Maksimum Leverage
  • MT4 dan MT5 - 1:20 (Margin 5%)
  • Di NetTradeX, leverage CFD saham bersamaan Leverage akun perdagangan (maksimum 1:20)
8 Bursa saham, 400+ CFD saham
  • Kami menyediakan lebih 400 CFD saham dari 8 bursa saham utama dunia.
  • Sampai 0,1% dari volume transaksi, pada saham AS - $0.02 bagi 1 saham. Komisi dikenakan bagi setiap pembukaan dan penutupan posisi.
  • Untuk NetTradeX dan MT4, komisi minimum transaksi sama dengan 1 mata uang kutipan, kecuali untuk saham China dengan komisi minimum 8 HKD dan saham Jepang - 100 JPY. Untuk MT5, komisi minimum ditentukan oleh mata uang saldo akun - 1 USD/1EUR/100 JPY (untuk saham AS 1USD)
Dividen CFD saham = Dividen saham

How to Buy Stock

To buy stocks traders should follow these steps:

  • How much to invest in Stock:Decide how much to invest in stock. Never invest in more than what you're willing to lose.
  • Open account:To buy stock you need to open a brokerage account. To open account you should go to 'Open Account' page and fill all the required fields of the form.
  • Buy Stock Using Trading Platform:After opening account you can trade shares CFDs by using MetaTrader or NetTradeX trading platforms.


Real-time quotes help traders to analyze and fix effective prices to trade shares. View DOLLARAMA stock quote (previous, closing, opening, high and low prices) and start trading with us.

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Anda dapat melihat informasi tentang pembayaran dividen dan tanggalnya di halaman.
Tanggal Dividen CFD Saham

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