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IFC Markets - Perdagangan Mata Uang Forex

When rolling a position over to a new value date (to "the next day"), an operation called Swap is performed – the company charges or pays a certain amount depending on the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved in transaction, on the direction of transaction and its volume.

Learn more about Swap Operations

IFC Markets offers its clients one of the best Swap conditions in the market, which will ensure the most comfortable maintenance of open positions even for a long period of time.

  • Swap is based on interbank interest rates

Under these unique conditions, the clients of IFC Markets do not need to worry about a significant loss in unrealized profits or a significant increase in losses when rolling positions over even in case of negative Swaps. On the contrary, the clients will be able to take full advantage of Carry trade strategies, buying a currency with a higher interest rate, and selling a currency with a lower interest rate. In addition, clients deciding to temporary hedge an open position by making a deal in an opposite direction in a lock mode will fully enjoy our approach: in this case the costs of maintaining positions will be minimal.

Swap Rates for Equity CFDs

Swap (Long/Short) - Transaksi posisi mentransfer ke tanggal nilai baru (transfer posisi menjadi "besok").

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