- Edukasi
- Analisis teknis
- Indikator teknis
- Oscillator
- Indikator Force Index
Indikator Force Index
Apa itu Indeks Tekanan
Cara Menggunakan Indeks Tekanan
Indeks Tekanan memungkinkan untuk mengidentifkasi penguat dari tren skala waktu yang berbeda:
- Indikator harus dibuat lebih sensitif dengan menurunkan periode tren singkat.
- Indikator harus diperhalus dengan meningkatkan periode tren yang lebih lama.
Indeks Tekanan dapat sangat mengisyaratkan perubahan tren:
- Perincian tren naik ketika nilai indikator berubah dari positif ke negatif dan harga dan indikator menunjukkan perbedaan.
- Perincian dari tren turun ketika nilai indikator berubah dari negatif ke positif dan harga dan indikator menunjukkan konvergensi.
Bersama-sama dengan indikator yang mengikuti tren, Indeks Tekanan dapat membantu mengidentifikasi koreksi tren:
- Sebuah koreksi tren naik ketika indikator memantul rendah.
- Koreksi tren turun ketika indikator meluncur dari puncak.

Indikator Force Index
Formula Indeks Tekanan (Perhitungan)
Indeks Tekanan(1) = {Tutup (jangka waktu saat ini) - Tutup (jangka waktu sebelumnya)} x Volume Indeks Tekanan(13) = 13-periode EMA dari Indeks Tekanan(1)
Cara menggunakan Indikator Force Index pada platform trading
Forex Indicators FAQ
What is a Forex Indicator?
Forex technical analysis indicators are regularly used by traders to predict price movements in the Foreign Exchange market and thus increase the likelihood of making money in the Forex market. Forex indicators actually take into account the price and volume of a particular trading instrument for further market forecasting.
What are the Best Technical Indicators?
Technical analysis, which is often included in various trading strategies, cannot be considered separately from technical indicators. Some indicators are rarely used, while others are almost irreplaceable for many traders. We highlighted 5 the most popular technical analysis indicators: Moving average (MA), Exponential moving average (EMA), Stochastic oscillator, Bollinger bands, Moving average convergence divergence (MACD).
How to Use Technical Indicators?
Trading strategies usually require multiple technical analysis indicators to increase forecast accuracy. Lagging technical indicators show past trends, while leading indicators predict upcoming moves. When selecting trading indicators, also consider different types of charting tools, such as volume, momentum, volatility and trend indicators.
Do Indicators Work in Forex?
There are 2 types of indicators: lagging and leading. Lagging indicators base on past movements and market reversals, and are more effective when markets are trending strongly. Leading indicators try to predict the price moves and reversals in the future, they are used commonly in range trading, and since they produce many false signals, they are not suitable for trend trading.
Gunakan indikator setelah mengunduh salah satu platform trading, yang ditawarkan oleh IFC Markets.
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